The owner of Extreme Sports Park And Sprint Boat Race here in Port Angeles, WA was so gracious to open his stunning acreage up for the graduating class of 2020. This gave them a place to walk across a stage, and yes SAFELY!! This was huge! The Port Angeles school district canceled graduation and all graduation activities because of Covid-19.
Nikki Brown, her amazing volunteer team, and all who donated time-money-space-food-drinks-gifts-on and on were the reason these Seniors had a graduation and graduation parade! Nikki and all these selfless volunteers gave the students an amazing experience to remember!! Imagine a drive-in movie, for those that remember :) The family members lined their vehicles up facing the enormous big screen that showed the students walking across the stage. Under, yet slightly in front of the huge screen was a stage. They had the senior class student body in place of the district employees, handing out a congratulatory certificate scroll since their diplomas were being sent to their homes and this was not a district event. It was truly amazing and so beautiful to watch all these students coming together, all the parents and community members doing what they could do to make sure it went off without a glitch!! And well, was there one...the rain started and would not let up, and the temp was awfully chilly, especially once we were soaking wet!
Their graduation party was directly proceeding to the graduation, right behind the huge screen. The owner has a huge fire pit right where everything was happening, and he had it roaring to keep us all warm. This event will definitely never be forgotten! This was one of the best graduations I have ever witnessed, and I am so very grateful to have been a small part of the beautiful, selfless team that made it all happen.
Another thank you to the owner for taking me up in his lift so I could capture this unique season in everyone's life, but specifically the one and only graduating class of 2020's once-in-a-lifetime milestone, in its entirety.
To view all the images from this day, please click on the tab "Client Galleries" on the home page, and find "Class of 2020" Graduation.
team. For all photos, please click on the tab labeled "Client Galleries" on the home page.