As most of you know this is my second round of kiddos. My first round is now 19 and 24! All girls!! All are beautiful, spunky, corky, and so very smart, yet definitely have their own personalities! It is so beautiful to watch my two youngest girls go through the seasons in life that I have been through with my first two older girls. The two oldest of each "set" of girls are so much alike, and the same with the two youngest. Charlize is 6, and also the youngest. She is my outspoken, independent, cuddle bug! Paisley is 8, and is the complete opposite! She is an internal thinker, codependent, and prefers her own space.
The youngest of the oldest girls and the oldest of the youngest girls both graduated together! One graduated from High School and the other from Kindergarten! I will have kiddos in public school for 40 consecutive years! Whoa! Lol!
So many congrats to my cute and spunky Charlize for graduating from Preschool and my beautiful reserved Paisley for graduating Kindergarten! I am so proud of both of you!!
Scroll down to see their personalities shine!!!