A Women and Her Bestie, a Sweet Painted Horse

June 30, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

These two spoke their own language! They walked together, smiled together, and so sassy together! The love for each other is undeniable!

I was approached by Lisa, the owner, in a very serious and solemn way. We work at the same school together and was asked to talk with her when I had a moment...she's never approached me in this demeanor before. So of course, I made that moment happen! She starts to explain that her baby girl, Matilda has arthritis and bone cancer in her right front leg...she can't hardly bare weight on it.  She has been in her stall for a couple weeks so she didn't chance breaking her leg in the pasture from a hole, or rut. Her veterinarian suggested that Matilda be put down the day Lisa took her to him.  Of course she could NOT do it...she needed more time to process everything!! A week or so passes after her visit and that's when she asks me to take personal pictures of her and Matilda. Umm, YES, yes I will definitely be your photographer for this private, loving, precious season of your life.

The day arrives and I am full of all sorts of emotions, I can't even imagine how my dear friend Lisa feels.  We start the shoot and I am clicking away.  We laugh, cry...all the emotions in a roller coaster affect the entire shoot.  Lisa and Matilda did fabulous, we couldn't have asked for a better overcast day! After a couple hours and over 400 clicks later, we wrap it up.

A week after the shoot, Lisa proceeds to tell me that Matilda does NOT have cancer! Yes to arthritis, but very manageable!! Her horse's farrier had been scheduled to re-shoe Matilda for awhile and she kept it because she likes to keep the front two shoes from her babies that have passed. She figured if she had to put her down, she could get the shoes.  Lisa proceeds to tell me how nervous she was for him to do his job on her girl.  Matilda babies that hoof and turning her foot under could really hurt her.  The farrier begins his job and Matilda lets him do everything he needed with ZERO complaint! As the farrier takes the shoe off the troubled hoof, he sees the largest abscess under the shoe! She was going easy on that hoof because of a huge painful sore! WHAT!?!

Thank Goodness she didn't listen to her Vet, or should I say EX Veterinarian! 

One more thing, Lisa was in the middle of buying a home with property, and selling her home.  The new home has a barn and an arena...Lisa was so saddened that Matilda wouldn't ever see the new place, never be home with her.  Matilda had been in a boarding stable because her other home didn't have everything it needed.

As of July 1st, 2023...Matilda is home to stay comfortably, and happily with her momma, for EVA!!



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