Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge was INCREDIBLY windy & it was a...Cap & Gown Shoot!

June 20, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

We met up at the opening to the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge.  I love nothing more than when a client says, "Do you mind if we hike..." Ummmmmmmm NOPE, my favorite!! We drive to the spit opening. I grab my gear and we head down towards the water.  The day was dark, gloomy, incredibly windy, and much colder than you would think for mid June!! This avid outdoorsman was in his happy place! Not only is Brock an outdoorsman, he is a musician of multiple instruments, volunteers at our local Port Angeles food bank, was just hired as a seasonal Wildland Firefighter - leaves for training TODAY, and plans to attend Peninsula College with an ultimate goal of becoming a pathologist!!!  Woah!!

Great job young man! It was such a privilege to get to know you during your session! The blowing sand, nonstop strong winds, and splashing water never took your enthusiasm away!! I do think we managed to get at least one tassel shot facing the correct way!  Which was pure luck! Hahaha, thanks for all the smiles and laughs through it all!!

 So Many Congrats to YOU, Brock, my newest FAB Senior!

Good luck in all you do! I know for a fact you will surpass every goal you set for yourself!!


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