Port Williams Beach at sunset with this very dapper newly engaged couple!

June 25, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

We met up in the parking lot of Port Williams Beach...such a great place to visit and take photos! I think on this particular day, everyone was thinking the same thing, very busy! We head out as fast as possible to go chase the light...this great field is a bit of a walk to get to, especially is fancy shoes!! It was a beautiful evening, not a cloud in site! Which, I am begging for a few cloud coverage...makes my job much easier! 

We make it to our spot and the sun is setting fast behind the mountain.  I jump right into the session and they are rocking it!  Ummm excuse me, I think I have some models in the making!!! The pop out tent comes out for them to change right there on the beach.  A quick change and we finish the rest of the shoot taking advantage of the rest of the light. We gather all our gear, and Bean, and head back to the parking lot.  By the time we get there, our light has left and we get out last few images for the night...silhouettes, I am a sucker for a silhouette!!

Our hour flew by so fast with all the laughter and fun we were having...I can't wait to do this again with y'all!!

Many Congrats to you both, and I wish y'all a lifetime of making amazing memories! Welcome to the FAB family!


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